"In quel periodo uscivo con una ragazza e dovevamo sposarci, ma c'era un conflitto religioso. Lei era atea e io agnostico. Non sapevamo senza quale religione educare i figli."
That's one pretty complete article, well done! I really need to fix my commenting system once I have time - It works pretty good, but looks really ugly.Will use this article for inspiration, thanks!
5 commenti:
It’s really great post. I would like to appreciate your work and would like to tell to my friends.
That's one pretty complete article, well done! I really need to fix my commenting system once I have time - It works pretty good, but looks really ugly.Will use this article for inspiration, thanks!
I wanted to tell someone all my secrets, but he has became one of them instead.
The heaven is but one remove from the hell, love stands between them.
Thank you for your usefull information!
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